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Joseph P. Cribbins

Army Aviation Hall of Fame 1980 Induction - Atlanta, GA

There is no individual who has had as much influence and long term impact on Army Aviation logistics as Joseph P. Cribbins.

For over two decades, he served on the Army staff as the focal point on all matters pertaining to aviation logistics policy, plans, and procedures with the other Services, DoD, Congress, and the civilian aviation industry.

Mr. Cribbins was instrumental in establishing the DA's Aviation Logistics Office, and for the introduction of a staff that was oriented towards weapons systems, one having full review over all aspects of aviation logistics, including acquisition, R&D, production, distribution, maintenance, and supply activities.

His depth of understanding and innovative approaches as well as his application of intensive management procedures improved overall logistical efficiency, increased aircraft operational readiness, decreased maintenance manhours and spare parts consumption, and provided aviation unit commanders with a great response and flexibility.

Under Mr. Cribbins, Army Aviation logistics became a leader in innovative and unique logistics procedures and systems that are being more frequently emulated by the rest of the Army logistical community. His unexcelled dedication and many contributions to Army Aviation have earned him the title of "Mr. Army Aviation Logistics."

Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America