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Benefits of AAAA Membership

Discover the range of benefits available through AAAA - the Army Aviation Association of America. Our organization offers a variety of programs and opportunities to support our members in their Army Aviation journey. From local chapter networking to awards, scholarships, and industry connections through PCEP, AAAA provides a rich community experience.

Sign Up Today


Network as a Professional in the total Army Aviation Community
  • Access to the Annual AAAA Summit, the only opportunity for the entire Army Aviation Community to gather in one place.
  • Access to AAAA sponsored symposias that address specific aviation subject.
  • Participation in local chapter events.


Be RECOGNIZED for Excellence
  • 35 National awards,
  • 250 scholarships
  • 500 Order of St. Michael awards a year, plus Knight awards and Lady of Loreto
  • Hundreds of Soldiers of the Month


Your VOICE to Leadership & Government
  • AAAA is a founding member of The Military Coalition (TMC) which has over 5.5M members
  • Army Aviation Caucus of 38 Congressmen sponsored by AAAA


SUPPORT your brother & sister Soldiers & their Families through AAAA activities
  • AAAA Supports the AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
  • AAAA provides nearly $200,000 a year in local Chapter support
  • AAAA offers a Post Career Employment Program

“Over the years, my membership to AAAA as a traditional Guardsman has given me the opportunity to connect with industry partners, network with others within the Aviation Branch, and build relationships with those within my local chapter through our events.“

CW2 Aubrey Bloom | AAAA Member


U.S. Military Active Duty, Reserve, & National Guard

Connect with peers in the Army Aviation community! Join now!


Discounted membership rates to students! Take advantage of the AAAA Scholarship program! Join now!


Are you currently deployed or deploying soon? All U.S. military Soldiers and DAC get Complimentary membership! Join now! 


Spouses, DACs and others interested in Army Aviation enjoy benefits and networking. Join now! 


Keep in touch with your contemporaries and current with Army Aviation matters! Join now! 

Foreign Allies

Our Foreign Allies Network with AAAA members during the Summit and Annual Forums. Join now! 

Korea and Vietnam Veterans

You supported Army Aviation during the Korean War and Vietnam War, now let The Army Aviation Association of America support you with discounted membership! Join now! 

Community Membership

Designed for local (non-defense) businesses or agencies who want to support Army Aviation through their AAAA Chapter. Along with the benefits of joining AAAA, your business with a “Community Member” window cling to show your Support. Learn More 

Industry Membership

The Industry Membership Program is designed to foster approved and meaningful interchange between government and industry. Corporate representatives have the opportunity to stay informed with the changing Army Aviation community, participate in local and national meetings and to develop professional contacts critical to the corporation's current and future programs and plans. Learn More 

Life Membership

The longstanding AAAA Life Membership Program was modified in October 2003 and March 2004 to include a graduated dues program by age and to eliminate the automatic donation to the AAAA Scholarship Foundation of some portion of these dues. If you are tired of the annual hassle of paying your dues, consider the Life Membership Program. Become a Life Member! 


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America