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Financial Assistance

There are two ways for an organization to receive financial assistance from AAAA National:

  1. In-cycle funding requests. These requests are usually for large dollar amounts (Greater than $5,000) and/or for long term projects. A letter requesting the funds and the purpose for the funds must be submitted to the full National Executive Board (NEB) prior to the spring meeting. If approved for consideration the funding request along with all other in-cycle requests will be prioritized by the fiscal committee and presented to the NEB at the fall meeting for approval pending funds. Once the annual audit is complete after 31 Dec, the National Executive Group makes a final determination based on funds and the Executive Director implements.
  2. Out of cycle requests. These requests are more common and for smaller amounts of money. Examples include annual chapter functions, unit welcome home or farewell ceremonies, and fund raising events. The National Executive Group (NEG) has the authority to approve up to $5,000 and the Executive Director can approve up to $750. A common format for submitting these requests to National Headquarters is included below.

AAAA Chapter Protocols and Processes are changing effective 1 Jan 2018:

Over the past year the NEG and the AAAA National office have spent time meeting with chapters to get chapter feedback on chapter programs. We have focused on areas that can be streamlined to better support our Chapters and the AAAA mission of support to our aviation community and families. As a result, the Quarterly Chapter Meeting Refund program and the Chapter Funding Request process have been upgraded to be more efficient and user friendly.

2018 Quarterly Chapter Meeting Refund

Chapters holding at least one meeting or event in a calendar quarter are eligible to receive either a maximum of: $200 or $1.00 per member per total chapter membership, whichever is greater. 

Chapters are no longer required to provide the AAAA National office an advance notification on their chapter meetings and events in order to receive a refund. However, in order to receive the full amount of the refund, you must notify the National Office at least one week in advance of the event in order to make sure it is posted to the AAAA National website. Chapters not notifying AAAA 7 days prior to an event, will be eligible to receive 80% of their maximum refund ($160 or .$80 per member per total chapter membership, whichever is greater).

As an added bonus, those chapters that plan ahead and provide the National office notification of their next quarter events 90 days in advance, will also receive an additional $100 per quarter back to the chapter.

The Chapter Speaker refund benefit has not changed. An additional $25.00 refund is provided if a Chapter has a Speaker at the meeting who is not an AAAA Chapter officer as reimbursement for the Speaker's meal expenses.

In order to receive your full or partial refund, AARs of meetings/events utilizing the Chapter Event After Action Review (AAR) form must be submitted no later than 14 days after the close of the quarter in which the event occurred. Please direct all Chapter meeting notice information to Mary Seymour at [email protected].

Chapter Funding Request

ALL Funding Request questions and issues must be submitted to the new email address: [email protected]. 

Chapter Funding requests will utilize the new online Chapter Funding Request Form.

The Chapter Event After Action Review (AAR) form MUST be submitted for your event before additional requests will be considered.

Meeting and Event Notices

AAAA National will continue to support your event by email, social media, website calendars, and even snail mail. However, in order to more effectively support your chapter please refer to this list for notifying us of all chapter activities:

  • 60 days' notice for voting, processing, engraving, and shipping of Silver and Gold Order of St. Michael. Note Bronze level OSMs are approved at the chapter level and nominally have a 30 day turnaround for the local approving authority, the AAAA Chapter President.  Please see website for all the latest forms and suspenses on other awards. 
    Four weeks' notice for any AAAA branded merchandise or membership materials requests.
  • Two weeks' notice for "snail mail" chapter meeting notices to be sent to members without email addresses.
  • One week notice for emailing chapter membership.
  • One week notice for posting on website event calendars and social media.  

For all Chapter related questions please visit the AAAA Website at or email Mary Seymour at [email protected].

Thank you for all you do for your chapter and for the Army Aviation community. 
Also please keep in mind, if you would like to invite a member of the AAAA National Executive Group (President, Senior VP, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Membership, VP Reserve Component, or yours truly as VP Chapters), to attend a particular event, please give us as much advanced notice as possible so we can work our schedules and try to accommodate your request.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America