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BG E.J. Sinclair

Army Aviation Hall of Fame 2011 Induction - Nashville, TN

Brigadier General E.J. Sinclair spent his career in Army Aviation advancing the art and science of flight, and enhancing the capabilities and readiness of tactical aviation units. He concluded his career as the Aviation Branch Chief and Commanding General of the Army Aviation Warfighting Center from 2003-2006.

This period was marked by intense demands for Aviation combat proficiency, comprehensive transformation of Aviation unit structure, and generation of requirements supporting a massive acquisition reinvestment.

At no time since the formation of the Branch was there such a simultaneous set of challenges undertaken by the Branch Chief and set with such high expectations within the Aviation community. His exemplary leadership during this critical period resulted in the unsurpassed Aviation force we see in current operations.

Prior to assuming duties as the Aviation Branch Chief, he commanded units at every level from platoon to brigade. With his promotion to brigadier general, he was assigned as the Assistant Division Commander, 101st Air Assault Division during Operation Enduring Freedom and the initial months of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

As the Deputy Aviation Branch Chief from July 2003 – December 2003, his accumulated experience and recent warfighting insights positively impacted the Aviation Task Force, tasked with transforming Army Aviation into a modular, capabilities-based maneuver arm, optimized for the Joint fight, with a shortened logistics tail. Under Sinclair’s command, the recommendations identified by the Task Force were implemented.

As a result of his leadership, vision, and commitment, Army Aviation has maximized its potential more than any other Branch.

Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America