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SGM Gregory M. Chambers

SGM Gregory M. Chambers

Army Aviation Hall of Fame 2020 Induction - Huntsville, AL

SGM Gregory M. Chambers has been a force in the Aviation Community for over 30 years. He has set and lived the standard as an Army Noncommissioned Officer, and his real passion has always been to guide younger enlisted Soldiers.

He entered the Army on November 2, 1987 and joined the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) in 1996. Quickly identified as a unique leader and mentor, he has served on 10 combat deployments supporting the Global War on Terrorism, all with Army Special Operations Aviation. From his initial experience as Green Platoon NCO in Charge to his selection as the Regimental Command Sergeant Major in 2011, he has always excelled.

From 2011-2014 he was 160th SOAR(A) CSM managing five battalions that supported over five Combatant Commands and numerous missions. While maintaining a high operational tempo, he ensured the success of over 2,250 Soldiers and pulled together senior leaders from across the aviation enterprise to provide the capability for real time mission execution.

As CSM of U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command from 2014 to 2016, he developed a strong talent management program and supported realistic training opportunities for his units to participate in worldwide exercises. He was subsequently selected as the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence Command Sergeant Major. Serving from 2016 to 2018, he provided guidance and oversight for three training brigades and two Noncommissioned Officer Academies training over 6,000 Soldiers, warrant officers and commissioned officers annually, and over 500 international students from 18 countries. He helped transform Army Aviation enlisted training, and single-handedly wrote the policy and standing operating procedures to establish the USAACE program that provides up to $650 toward Civilian Credentialing and Licenses to Enlisted Soldiers and Warrant Officers.

His legacy is today’s and tomorrow’s world-leading, flexible, innovative and professional Enlisted Army Aviation Soldier.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America