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The Order Of Our Lady Of Loreto

Our Lady of Loreto Nomination Form PDF

Order Forms

Our Lady of Loreto 4 Pack Medal Online Order Form | OLL Medal 4 Pack PDF Form
PDF Forms must be downloaded and emailed to submit.

Magazine Award Announcement Form | Historic List of Order of St. Michael and Our Lady of Loreto Award Recipients


Established in 2004 as a joint venture between the AAAA and the U.S. Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC), the Order of Our Lady of Loreto recognizes individuals who are worthy of special recognition for outstanding support to the Army Aviation Family and Army Aviation Community.

According to tradition, the home in which the Virgin Mary was born was miraculously moved by angels in 1295 from its original site in Nazareth to its present site in Loreto, Italy. Since 1920 Our Lady of Loreto has been recognized as the patron saint of aviators.

Induction into the Order of Our Lady of Loreto is intended to recognize individuals who have contributed significantly on the home front in support of the Army Aviation community. This award celebrates the sacrifice, support, security, and caring provided by those at home that make it possible for Army Aviation soldiers to accomplish their missions despite changes in circumstances, location, and separation from loved ones.


A nominee for induction in the Order of Our Lady of Loreto must have demonstrated conspicuous contributions to support the Army Aviation family and community. It should recognize those individuals who have generously given of their time and energy in support of not only their own family, but those Aviation families within their local Army Aviation community.

There are no automatic criteria for induction into the Order of Our Lady of Loreto (e.g. retirement, PCS, or deployment rotation of the service member).


The official nomination form should be used. Nominations will be provided to the local AAAA Chapter President for approval where such Chapters are organized and chartered.

A brief outline of not more than 100 words citing the main reason(s) for the nomination should be provided. Additional supporting information may be attached as enclosures and is limited to 1,500 words or three pages (whichever is greater).

Justification must contain sufficient details about the nominee to enable the Approving Authority to make an informed decision. The nomination should include a photograph of the nominee in any size.

Official Nomination Form


Nominators of Our Lady of Loreto awards must be an active member of AAAA. The official nomination form will be submitted to the local Chapter (where such Chapters are organized and chartered) for consideration, subject to the following:

  1. If there is no local chapter, nominations should be sent directly to the AAAA National Office, ATTN: OSM Manager ([email protected]). The nomination packet should contain a nomination form, a photograph, a request form, and the appropriate payment in U.S. funds.
  2. Award nomination materials, to include photographs, will not be returned. If submitted through the chapter, the local chapter will retain the nomination locally.

Approving Authority & Selection

The Approving Authority for the Order of Our Lady of Loreto is the President of the local AAAA Chapter (allow 30 days for processing). In instances where a local AAAA Chapter is not applicable or when the local President is nominated, the Approving Authority is the AAAA OSM Selection Committee (allow 60 days for processing action). When the nomination cannot be processed in a timely fashion by the Committee, the AAAA National Executive Group (NEG) will make the determination.

Review & Oversight

To ensure the integrity of the Lady of Loreto process, AAAA will be responsible for reviewing Chapter awards this honor. The OSM Selection Committee will accomplish this responsibility on behalf of the AAAA National Executive Board.

At the end of each calendar quarter, (March, June, September, and December) each Chapter will provide a copy of all approved Lady of Loreto award packets to the AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected] for review and administrative record keeping. AAAA will coordinate with the Chairman of the OSM Selection Committee and distribute the files electronically as directed. Committee members will review and ensure the criteria delineated above are appropriately applied by all Chapters within the Association.

Chapters failing to comply with established criteria will be reminded of the criteria and conditions by the President of the AAAA. Should the condition persist, the Association reserves the authority to withdraw the privilege of Our Lady of Loreto award determination from the Chapter and transfer it to the OSM Selection Committee for a period determined by the President of AAAA.


No deviations to this policy are authorized, such as requiring AAAA membership of a nominee.

Award Certificate & Lapel Pin

Recipients shall receive a Certificate of the Order of Our Lady of Loreto, and a lapel pin.

Notification & Presentation

  1. Award nominees will be notified by the local Chapter President.
  2. The nominator will be responsible for induction of the recipient into the Order of Our Lady of Loreto and presentation of the certificate and pin.

Our Lady of Loreto Check List

  • Make sure the nominator is a current member of AAAA.
  • Make sure the nominee has not been awarded the Lady of Loreto before
  • Fill out the nomination form, 100 word limit summary, 1500 word limit for supporting information.
  • Submit nomination to your local Chapter for Chapter President Approval.
  • All approved nominations must be submitted to National for our records.

Historic List of Award Recipients

Our Lady of Loreto Medal Online Order Form

The Order Of Our Lady Of Loreto Awards Presentation Ceremony

Awarding Officer:

  • "The Order of Our Lady of Loreto recognizes individuals who are worthy of special recognition for outstanding support to the Army Aviation Family and Army Aviation Community."
  • "The award recipient(s) will now come forward."

Awarding Officer reads the Award History:

  • "According to tradition, the home in which the Virgin Mary was born was miraculously moved by angels in 1295 from its original site in Nazareth to its present site in Loreto, Italy. Since 1920 Our Lady of Loreto has been recognized as the patron saint of aviators. This award celebrates the sacrifice, support, security, and caring provided by those at home and in the larger Army Aviation Community that make it possible for Army Aviation soldiers to accomplish their missions despite changes in circumstances, location, and separation from loved ones."

Awarding Officer reads the recipient's accomplishments.

Awarding Officer presents the recipient with the Order of Our Lady of Loreto Pin and reads the following:

  • "Appearing before a most arduous and discriminatory committee of tried and proven Army Aviators and Aviation Patriots, be it known that __________(name)__________ was tested and found worthy of special recognition for outstanding contributions to the community of Army Aviation and is hereby inducted into The Honorable Order of Our Lady of Loreto."
  • "The Lady of Loreto is the embodiment of sacrifice, support, security, and caring. So too, the aforementioned individual embodies these qualities. Therefore, the President of the Army Aviation Association of America Inc., with the concurrence of the Chief of Army Aviation, acknowledges that this woman is due special honor and respect for now and posterity."
  • "Given under my hand this _____(date)_____ day of __________ ."

Remarks by the Award recipient.

Awarding Officer concludes the Award Ceremony.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America