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LTG Ellis D. Parker

Army Aviation Hall of Fame 1995 Induction - Atlanta, GA 

LTG Ellis D. Parker was commissioned in the Army in 1957 as the Distinguished Honor Graduate from the Field Artillery Officer Candidate School. He holds a BS Degree in Psychology, a MS Degree in Public Administration and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws. In addition he graduated from both the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College.

He became an Army Aviator early in his career and commanded, with exemplary skill, Army Aviation units at every level from platoon to Aviation Brigade. As his capabilities were recognized with promotion to Brigadier General he brought his Aviation expertise to bear, first as the Army Aviation Officer, Department of the Army, and subsequently as the Assistant Division Commander of the world's only Air Assault Division, the 101st, at Ft. Campbell, KY.

When Army Aviation became a branch, he was the obvious choice to give it life, direction and vitality as Commanding General of the Aviation Center. The Army wisely left then MG Parker in this position of Aviation Branch Chief and School Commandant for the exceptionally long period of five and a half years. Thus he not only set a tenure record, but had the time to carefully and skillfully lead the fledgling Aviation Branch into its important and rightful place in the Army.

His consummate competence was recognized Army wide and his promotion to Lieutenant General expected and applauded. With his promotion, LTG Parker became Director of the Army Staff where his sure hands not only kept the staff functioning smoothly, but found time to insure that Army Aviation continued to mature and improve overall, and specifically in Operations JUST CAUSE and DESERT STORM.

Don Parker knew Army Aviation inside and out, and left his lasting, indelible imprint on this branch he loved and served so well.

Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America